Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today is the first in awhile

Today is just another day.
I keep trying to remind myself of that but
today is another day closer.
I don't know if i can keep my mind from thinking about that.

Another day closer to him leaving for war.
Another day closer to being left behind.
Another day closer to uncertainty.

But its a normal day all the same right?
And normal days are beautiful.

We went to Ft. Lee last weekend. It was...different.
I don't know how cut out for this military lifestyle I really am.
It feels so separate and reclusive. I read online somewhere that Army wives are better off with other Army wives because no one else understands. Is that what I am going to become? Stuck on base 24/7?

Atleast I'll have my dogs!
Grace Kelly and Ginger Rogers.
Dogs are seriously the greatest thing in the world.
I can't imagine my life without mine.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Pajama jeans?



today is a day of firsts!

My first blog. I'm almost weirded out by it, this whole concept of writing about myself. It's almost self obsessed, thinking that others would want to read what you have to say.

I can't do journals so I'm going to try my hand at this.

At this current moment, it is very cold here; lots and lots of snow and ice which my dogs love to eat and play in. I guess that would be ok, and very very cute, if they would go to the bathroom first and then play later- but they don't.

Life is ordinary.
At least today.

Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are.